
I create ease in the journey toward death by providing resources, support, advocacy, and care for the dying and their caretakers so the dying can experience the death they desire with dignity.

When I reference caretakers, I’m including family members, chosen family, loved ones, and those who are doing the caretaking.

I am not a doctor, nurse, therapist, or healthcare professional. I am an individual trained in multiple modalities, with life experience that is here to serve and support people.

Free 30-Minute Session

Before working together, let’s connect. Wherever you are in your journey, whether the support is for you or a person you support. After the session, I will provide a document with specific services, a recommended timeline, and cost on a sliding scale.


75-minute Consultation 

Virtual or in-person

If you or someone you’re caring for recently received a diagnosis, or sense a change, and have questions, or concerns, I am here to support you. 

I offer a 75-minute consultation where you can ask questions or bring forward your concerns and I will provide resources and recommended tools in a follow-up email.

Advocate in Death

Customized services will be provided after the free session on a sliding scale as I believe everyone deserves the support they need in the journey towards death.

I can support the whole person: the physical, emotional, and spiritual body with a non-medical touch. The structure and services I offer are flexible, fluid, and based on the needs and desires of the dying person, so I can be an advocate from diagnosis, to and after the death, providing a continuous bridge through the process.

Holistic Overview of Possible Services


  • Care Planning and Education: Knowing what choices there are at end-of-life is extremely empowering and important. I will work with you and your care team on what all your options are leading up to, during, and after death, then develop a document of your desires, and the advocacy to support them.

  • Organizing: It can be a gift to you and your caretakers to ensure your values are documented, paperwork is complete, passwords and bank account information are written down, and belongings are intentionally organized. But it can also be overwhelming, so I will provide tools to create ease and support for the process.

  • Anticipatory Grief Support: Before death, there can be immense grief, for all those who surround you, and it deserves the tools, support, and safe space to process the thoughts and emotions along the journey.

Active Dying 

  • Empower and Assist Caretakers: Active dying is often the hardest on the caretakers given the necessary time and skills end-of-life requires with little external support and guidance provided outside of Hospice (if that’s a choice provided). Empowering caretakers with the skills and resources can provide a sense of peace to fulfill your dying desires.

  • Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD or DwD) & Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED): Education, support, and coaching if either is the desired choice for end-of-life.


  • Body Care and Disposition: There are many choices in how the body is cared for and honored in the minutes, hours, and days after death. As decisions are made in the planning and educating process, it’s important there’s advocacy and logical coordination so the caretakers’ can be present.

  • Funeral or Celebration of Life: I can provide ideas to honor you, your legacy, and your loved ones.

In need of support?